Sustainable Fashion

Everything you want to know about the sustainability of the textile and fashion industry

The German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles

The German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (GPST), also called the German Textile Alliance, is a multi-stakeholder initiative initiated by the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, in 2014.1 The aim of the partnership between companies, nongovernmental organizations, trade unions, standard organizations and the German government is to make the global textile supply chain more sustainable. The GPST bases some of its activities on the OECD Due Dilligence Guidelines to achieve its set out goals. Additionally, the GPST uses other global standards such as the International Labor Organization Standards and the UN Principles on Business and Human Rights. Members of the GPST should join partnership initiatives, uphold their individual responsibilities and actively participate with the dialogue on issues related to textile production.

Many GPST initiatives aim to bring changes for textile production to push for effective progress. Members of the GPST as well as suppliers and local actors should work together to improve the sustainability of the textile industry. Current initiatives in progress cover Wastewater, Chemical and Environmental Management, Living Wages and the general improvement of the textile industry in the Tamil Nadu Region of India.2

Individual Responsibility: The Members of the GPST must themselves care for sustainability among their own supply chain(s). The Members submit their future work plans on risk management and limitation as well as progress reports to a third external party to the GPST as well as to its Secretariat.3

Dialogue Forum: Through the GPST, the different stakeholders can exchange on the difficulties involved in the sustainable transition for the textile industry. The GPST allows its members to exchange good practices but to also collaboratively develop sustainable solutions.4


  1. The German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles:

2. To learn more about the Initiatives, please refer to:

3. To learn more on the individual responsibility of the Members of the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, please refer to:

4. To learn more on the exchange of practices, please refer to:

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