Everything you need to know about the label on your product

How is the label given? What standards are used?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): This label is awarded to a brand if it participates in the Better Cotton Initiative. There are no specific standards, except that the company is committed to introducing organic cotton into its production and investing in organic cotton farms. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://bettercotton.org/what-does-our-logo-mean/
Bluesign: In order to receive this label, companies must meet criteria relating to each stage of production (water pollution, chemicals used, working conditions, etc…). The label is awarded directly by the organization based on these criteria. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: This label is delivered by the German federal government and awarded by an independent jury. The standards used come from different sources such as ISO standards or the International Labor Organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: this label is delivered by the organization to members of the organization. When producers are granted this label it means they have complied with standards regarding sustainable cotton farming. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: this company label is delivered by an independent party FLOCERT which is mandated to verify if the company complies to international standards of labor law (ILO, SA 8000), as well as environmental standards such as EcoTex Standard 100. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.labelinfo.ch/fr/labels?t=0&id=106#
eco-Institute: this label is delivered directly by the organization after tests of conformity are realized by independent parties. Depending on the product the manufacturers need to comply with strict standards regarding pollutants and emissions. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: this label is delivered by the European Commission and awarded by an appointed Committee representing European Institutions, States and Stakeholders. This committee awards the label regarding the determined criteria which is a mix of international standards (ISO) and European standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): This label is delivered after the companies prove they have complied with standard of the organization. These requirements concern the organic fiber provenance as well as compliance with environmental and social criteria. The certification is then delivered by an approved certification entity. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: this label is awarded by the Vaude company. It is delivered when the product complies with sustainable standards already fixed in other standards such as bluesign or Ökotex 100 but not exclusively. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: this label is delivered by the Migro company. It ensures that the product complies with the company’s environmental and labor conservation guidelines throughout the supply chain, and that the textiles do not contain hazardous chemicals. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: This label is issued by the International Association of Natural Textile Industries and is awarded to organizations registered in the list of certified organizations. The standards cover the quality of organic fabrics, the chemicals used in the production process, as well as compliance with labor laws. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: this mark is awarded by certified organizations and after an independent examination. The test criteria are based on international standards and European norms. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): this is a company delivered label. It implies the certification of other recognized certification like bluesign or GOTS. In that matter, this label has to comply with those standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: this is a company awarded label. The company assures that it follows certain standards, such as the Better Cotton Initiative, but has not provided any evidence of such certification. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare: this is a company awarded label. This means that the product must be cared for according to certain standards of care set by the company. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
What does this label mean?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) : This logo means that the brand or retailer has engaged to sourcing better cotton. It does not mean that the product comes from a “physically traceable Better Cotton”. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Blue sign: it sets standards for environmentally safe textile production regarding resource productivity, consumer safety, air emissions, occupational health and safety and water releases. The company ensures that the products meet stringent consumer safety requirements. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Blue Angel: this label delivered by the German federal government assures that the products meet high environmental standards but also social standards in the process of manufacturing. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: this is a consumer guarantee that the Australian cotton is grown under Best Management Practices. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ Coop Naturaline Switzerland: it means that the company meets basic standard of international labor regulation such as standards of International Labor Organization, certified by the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and the SA 8000 certification. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
eco-INSTITUT: this label guarantees that the product fulfills the strictest requirements on pollutants and emissions following the latest state of research. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
EU Ecolabel: it is a label of environmental excellence that is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout its life-cycle: from raw material to distribution and disposal. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): it is a worldwide standard for organic material including ecological and social criteria. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Green Shape: this label offers functional environmentally friendly products made of sustainable materials while ensuring fair working conditions throughout the supply chain. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Migros Eco: this label guarantees that the product is free from allergenic or harmful substances throughout the manufacturing chain. It also attests to environmental conservation and occupational health and safety. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Naturtextil Best: this mark confirms environmental and social criteria throughout the textile production. This label certifies the presence of organic fibers, limited fiber processing methods, no hazardous substances used, and compliance with International Labor Organization standards and a minimum living wage for workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: This label allows textile manufacturers to emphasize the ecological optimization of their products to consumers, as well as their efforts to produce sustainably. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): This mark is supported by other certified marks, such as the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS). The Caring for the Planet initiative applies to leather and polyurethane leather products. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: this label is a voluntary commitment to achieve standards similar to those of the Better Cotton Initiative. This mark is not backed by official certification, so the information associated with it should be treated with caution. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare: this trademark is associated with the best way to care for the product and the washing instructions. Therefore, it is not related to the sustainability of the product, and its reliability is rather low. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Is this label reliable?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): Yes and No. This label is awarded to a brand after it has joined the Better Cotton Initiative. But there are no standards, other than that the company commits to incorporating organic cotton into its production and investing in organic cotton farms, so this does not guarantee anything related to the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://bettercotton.org/what-does-our-logo-mean/
Bluesign; Yes. In order to obtain this label companies have to comply with criteria’s regarding every step of the manufacturing (water pollution, chemicals used, good treatment of workforce etc…). The label is granted directly by the organization based on its criteria. On the other hand, the label benefits from a good reputation due to the use of high international standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: Yes. This label is delivered by the German federal government and awarded by an independent jury. The standards come from different sources such as ISO standards or the International Labor Organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: Yes, but. This label is delivered by the organization to members of the organization and benefits from the Australian government’s recognition. When producers are granted this label, it means they have complied with standards regarding sustainable cotton farming, this does not mean that product complies with further environmental and social criteria. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: Yes. This company label is delivered by an independent party FLOCERT which is mandated from the organization to verify if the company complies to international standards of labor law (ILO, SA 8000), as well as environmental standards such as EcoTex Standard 100. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.labelinfo.ch/fr/labels?t=0&id=106#
eco-Institute: Yes but. This label is delivered directly by the organization after tests of conformity are realized by independent parties. Depending on the product the manufacturers need to comply with strict standards in the fields of pollutants and emissions. The organization has however reported a certain numbers of misuse of their label. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: Yes. This label is delivered by the European Commission and awarded by a special appointed Committee representing European Institutions, States and Stakeholders. It’s recognized in the whole European Union as well as other countries such as Norway and Island. This committee awards the label regarding the determined criteria which is a mix of international standards (ISO) and European fixed standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): Yes. This label is delivered after the companies proves they have complied with high environmental and social standard of the independent organization. These requirements concern the organic fiber provenance as well as compliance with environmental and social criteria. The certification is then delivered by an approved certification entity. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: Yes and no. this label is awarded by the Vaude company so it could be considered as unreliable. But It’s delivered when the product complies with sustainable standards already fixed in other standards such as bluesign or Ökotex 100 so in benefits from a certain guarantee of its quality. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: Yes and no. this label is delivered by the Migro company so it lacks objectvity. On the other hand, It assures that the product complies with company guidelines, which quite transparent. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: Yes but. this label is delivered by the International Association of Natural Textile Industry, which is publicly known German organization. It’s then awarded by any organism registered on a list of certified entities, regarding high international standards. To remain reliable, the certifying bodies must remain independent and impartial. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: Yes. this label is awarded by certified entities and after the realization of an independent expertise. The test criteria is based upon international standards and also European regulations, as well as organization based parameters. It has a worldwide reputation of quality. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): No but. Because this is a company delivered label, it’s not entirely reliable. On the other hand, It implies the certification of other recognized certification like bluesign or GOTS. In that matter, this label has to comply with those standards and makes it more reliable. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: No. Because this a company awarded label, it lacks transparency in its delivery. The company assures following certain standard such as the Better Cotton Initiative but hasn’t delivered any proof of such certification. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare: Yes and no. This is company awarded label, which gives care instruction. It might not be unreliable in that perspective but it’s not a label guaranteeing any kind of environmental or social criteria’s. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Does this label mean that the product is sustainable?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) : No, this label inly means that the brand has joined the initiative to encourage the production of more sustainable cotton production. It does not imply that the product is made of this sustainable cotton. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Blue sign: Yes, this label upon the conformity of a product with standards of sustainability such as resource productivity or health and safety of the workforce. It also takes into consideration the use of toxic chemicals in the product, as well as water and waste management. This label aims to guarantee a safe final product for the consumer. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: Yes, this label applied on products means that the producer answered to environmental as well as social criteria in its manufacturing process. By respecting international labor standards as well as environmental one’s such as the use of organic fiber or the avoidance of certain hazardous chemicals, this label guarantees the sustainability of the end product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: Not entirely, this label means that the product uses cotton coming from Australian sustainable managed farms. Only the cotton in the product is sustainable, not the other aspects of it such as posterior use of chemicals to treat the fabric or the recycling. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: Yes: this label indicates that the product is made from organic fabric controlled by Swizz and European Standards and also that the product through its manufacturing chain respects high polluting standards. Moreover, the company using this lable need to comply with international labor law such as the one’s from the international Labor Organization or the SA 8000 standard. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/coop-naturaline-switzerland
eco-Institute: it depends. This label certifies that the product has throughout its manufacturing process respected high standards of pollution and emissions. These environmental considerations lack waste management issues or social standards to be fully sustainable. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: Yes but. This certification of excellence takes into consideration high level environmental standards whether the product is made of natural or synthetic fiber. The standards are the one’s regarding the use of hazardous chemicals in the production, the recycling but also the packaging and communication to consumers. On the other hand, this label only takes into consideration to few social standards( SA 8000) in order to be fully sustainable. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): Yes. This label certifies that the textile used in the product meet high environmental standards such as organic fiber and nonuse of hazardous chemicals. It also considers the respect of high social standards. All these criteria’s are enforced by independent control of their respect. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: Yes. This label is delivered by the brand Vaude when the product complies with environmentally friendly standards and takes into consideration social standards throughout the supply chain.in order to determine the respect of these standards this label uses the respect of other label standards such as bluesign or GOTS. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: Yes this label is issued upon verifying if the product respects environmental standards throughout its life-cycle, that the product is traceable and the methods used transparent and finally the working condition are safe and healthy. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: Yes, this label means that throughout the supply chain the product has respected very high and technical environmental standards, that the products meet certain quality standards and also social standards from the International Labor organization and living wages are met. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: Yes but. This label takes into account environmental standards in the avoidance of forbidden but also threatening chemicals. The label also requires the respect of social standards. On the other hand, the label fails to be fully sustainable the means of sustainable production of the fabric: organic, recycled, etc… For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): Yes but. This label takes into account the certification by preexisting label such as GOTS. In order to be more sustainable there should better consumer information on the meaning of the brand label. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: No but. This label only certifies that the brand has engaged in supporting the respect of sustainable development issues such as taking part on the Better Cotton Initiative. It does not give any more objective guarantees on the sustainability of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare: No. this label only indicates the respect of certain care instructions of the product. It does not guarantee any sustainability of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Does this label mean that the product is safe for my health? the environment?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): No, this label means that the brand has engaged in supporting more sustainable cotton production. It does not mean that the product has been made with any specific cautions regarding health or the environment. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Blue sign: Yes health and the environment. This label respects high standards regarding the environment in the life-cycle of the product, especially water pollutions and recycling. Regarding health, the product assures the absence of hazardous chemicals in the product but also the health conditions of the workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: This label respects high standards regarding the environment in the life-cycle of the product, especially water pollutions and recycling. Regarding health, the product assures the absence of hazardous chemicals in the product but also the health conditions of the workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: it depends. This label assures that the cotton fabric comes from sustainably managed farms. It doesn’t mean that the end product is chemical free or that the textile has been environmentally friendly practices. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: Yes. This label means that the product has throughout its life-cycle respected environmental standards but also that the product is free of chemicals but also that the brand has respected international safety & health standards for its workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/coop-naturaline-switzerland
eco-Institute: the Environment yes, health no. This label mans that the means of production respected high standards in emissions and pollutions. On the other hand, it does not guarantee that the end product is chemical free or that the working conditions were safe and healthy. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: Yes health & environment. This label guarantees that the production has met very high environmental standards, but also that the textile is harmless for human less. Also the label respects basic health and safety standards for workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): Yes environment & health. This label means that the product has been made according to high environmental standards but also health standards with organic fibers and chemical free treatments. The label also guarantees healthy and safe working conditions. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: Yes for the environment and for health. By using this label, the product I guaranteed being made using environmentally friendly means but also the waste management of the product. Related to health, this label guarantees that the product has not been treated with certain chemicals but also that healthy work conditions were respected. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: Yes health and environment. This label guarantees that the final product is free of allergenic and irritant substances. It also guarantees that the product has been made respecting environmental standards and that the respect of health and safety of the workforce. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: Yes health & environment. This label guarantees that the product is free of hazardous chemicals but also that the production was environmentally friendly. These guarantees are very broad sine they go from the life-cycle of the product to all the accessories of the product. This label also guarantees the respect of international health and safety standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: Yes health and environment. This label means that the product has been made according to high environmental standards but also health standards, espcially chemical free treatments. The label also guarantees healthy and safe working conditions. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): It depends. This label means that for some the product respects certain other standards of other labels such as GOTS but not for all of the aspects. There are also no information on the health conditions of workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: No but. This label is brand delivered and in that matter there’s no guarantee of the respect of environmental or health standards related to the product. On the other hand, some use organic fibers which are better for the environment and health but isn’t sufficient to say that the product is safe for health and the environment. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ H&M Clevercare: No. this label only indicates the respect of certain care instructions of the product. It does not guarantee any sustainability of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Does this label mean that this product will be more expensive?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) : This logo means that the brand or retailer has engaged to sourcing better cotton, therefore the product isn’t necessarily issued from a “physically traceable Better Cotton”. The brand finances the initiative and wants to expose that commitment but since, the product is not itself sustainable an increase in price is not entirely justified by the use of this logo. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Blue sign: it sets standards for environmentally safe textile production regarding resource productivity, consumer safety, air emissions, occupational health and safety and water releases. To obtain this label, the brand must meet the requirements but also pay to be certified. For those reasons this label, sela of quality might justify in increase in price. https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Blue Angel: this label delivered by the German federal government assures that the products meet high environmental standards but also social standards in the process of manufacturing. This is a recognized quality seal that is likely to justify an increase in price of the product. For detailed information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: this is a consumer guarantee that the Australian cotton is grown under Best Management Practices. The brand invests in that type of farming and the product contains such textile. For those reasons, the brand is likely to increase the price of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: it means that the company meets basic standard of international labor regulation as well as high environmental standards. The use of a third party for the expertise(FLOCERT) but also the use o f organic materials, are likely to increase the price for the valorized product thanks to the label. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
eco-INSTITUT: this label guarantees that the product fulfills the strictest requirements on pollutants and emissions following the latest state of research. The brand must pay in order to obtain such a label. In order to compensate for those expenses and the new gained value of the product. On the other hand, the reliability of the label does not objectively justify a very high increase in price. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
EU Ecolabel; it’s a label of environmental excellence that’s awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout its life-cycle: raw material to distribution and disposal. This quality seal is likely to be self-rewarded by the brand is increasing the price of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): it’s worldwide standard for organic material including ecological and social criteria. Brands must pay in order to be certified with this label. Therefore, to compensate such expenses, it is likely that the product will be more expensive. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Green Shape: this brand label offers functional environmentally friendly products made for sustainable materials while ensuring fair working conditions throughout the supply chain. This could justify an increase in price of the product. On the other hand, the reliability of the label does not objectively justify a very high increase in price. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Migros Eco: this brand label guarantees that the product is free of allergenic or harmful substances for the environment throughout the manufacturing chain. It also attests to environmental preservation and workforce health and safety. This could justify an increase in price of the product. On the other hand, the reliability of the label does not objectively justify a very high increase in price. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Naturtextil Best; this label integrates environmental and social criteria throughout the whole textile production. The label certifies organic fibers, restricted fiber processing methods, no input of hazardous substances but also the respect International Labor Organization Standards and minimum living wages for workers. Brands need to pay to obtain this label. For those reasons, the product might be more expensive. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: this label allows textile manufacturers to high light the human ecological optimization of their products as well as their efforts in ecological production to consumers. Brands need to pay to obtain this label. For those reasons, the product might be more expensive. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): this store label is backed by other certified labels such as Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS). The Care of Planet initiative is related to leather and PU leather products. Those characteristics might justify an increase in price of the product. On the other hand, the questionable reliability of the label tends to diminish such extra expenses. For detailed information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: this brand label is a voluntary commitment to reach standard such as the ones of the Better Cotton Initiative. This label is not backed up by official certification and so the information related to it need to be taken with caution. the brand could use this label to increase the price of those products but the faulty reliability of the label doesn’t objectively justify it. For detailed information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ H&M Clevercare: this brand label is related to the best way of product care and washing instructions. Therefore, it’s not related to the sustainability of the product and its reliability is quite low. By no means, does this label justify an increase in price of the product. For detailed information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Is this label only related to the textiles/final product or does is take into consideration the environmental and human factors?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): This label is not related to the final product. It only refers to the participation of the brand financially to transition towards a more sustainable cotton production. The product doesn’t necessarily contain such a fabric. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Blue sign: This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals. itself but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed, the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: :This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: this label is related to the textile contained in the product which comes from a sustainably managed cotton farm. Other then the commitment, that the brand also invests in those farms, there are no further engagement of this label in other related areas. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: : This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/coop-naturaline-switzerland
eco-Institute: this label is related to the product but also its means of production by guaranteeing, that the brand respects the most strict requirements in that matters of pollutants and emissions. On the other hand, the label does not take into consideration social criteria related to the workforce. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: this label is related to the environmental quality of the end product. It also takes into account the respect of high environmental standards in the supply chain. on the other, it takes into account some international Labor Law standards regarding safety and health but not wages and other factors. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) : This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals or the use of organic materials, but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: : This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: : This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals or the use of organic materials, but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: This label is related to the product and its components such as the absence of harmful chemicals, but also takes into account the means of production. Indeed the label is awarded after examination of the respect of high environmental standards, notably concerning water pollutions but also the respect of international Labor law standards, especially from the International Labor organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): this brand label is related directly to the product by taking into consideration sometimes the certification by other labels such as GOTS. In that matter, if this label is linked to this other one, then the criteria of that non brand label will be applicable (e.g the GOTS label is related to the product as ell as it means of production). On the other hand, if it’s not the case the specter of the engagement of the label isn’t as clear. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: this brand label is related to the Better Cotton Initiative, which is not directly linked to the product, but to the engagement of the brand is financing sustainable Cotton farming. Then, some of the aspects are related directly to the product such as the presence of organic cotton. Other than that, it’s uncertain whether, the label takes into account other sustainability factors. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare: this label concerns directly the product and the way to take care of it. Nor does it take into account sustainability factors related to the product and fabric neither factors related to the means of production. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Is this label regulated? Is it recognized from public entities?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): This label is given to the brand once it has is engaged itself in the Better Cotton Initiative. The Initiative is a member based organization from companies, in that matter the label is recognized by the brands members of the initiative. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://bettercotton.org/what-does-our-logo-mean/
Bluesign; The label is granted directly by the organization based on its criteria’s, which use international standards. The label is regulated by the organization itself, it doesn’t have a public recognition but benefits from a good reputation among brands. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: This label is delivered by the German federal government and awarded by an independent jury. It is regulated by German law and uses European and international standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: this label is delivered by their organization to members of the organization. This label on sustainable cotton farming in Australia is recognized among the industries, who are members of the organization but also benefits from the approval of the Australian Government. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: this company label is delivered by an independent party FLOCERT which is mandated from the country to verify if the company complies to international standards of labor law (ILO, SA 8000), as well as environmental standards such as EcoTex Standard 100. It’s not publicly recognized but it uses recognized standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.labelinfo.ch/fr/labels?t=0&id=106#
eco-Institute: this label is delivered directly by the organization after tests of conformity are realized by independent parties. The expertise of the organization is recognized by German public authorities, according to the organization. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: this label is delivered by the European Commission and awarded by a special appointed Committee representing European Institutions, States and Stakeholders, it’s therefore recognized in the European Union as well as other States such as Norway and Island. This committee awards the label regarding the determined criteria which is a mix of international standards (ISO) and European fixed standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): This label is delivered by approved certification bodies. This certification has replaced several national certifications in textiles and the organization is internationally constituted. The increasing of its use arises its recognition among consumers and brands. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: this label is awarded by the Vaude company, which created the label. It’s delivered when the product complies with sustainable standards already fixed in other standards such as bluesign or Ökotex 100 but not exclusively. It’s not publicly recognized. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: this label is delivered by the Migro company. It assures that the product complies with company guidelines regarding preservation of the environment and then workforce throughout the supply chain. It’s not publicly recognized or regulated. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: this label is delivered by the International Association of Natural Textile Industry and awarded by any organism registered on a list of certified entities. There’s no regulation of the standards used but the label uses international standards and the organization is also member of the GOTS system. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: this label is awarded by certified entities and after the realization of an independent expertise. The label is not publicly regulated but is present and used worldwide. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): this is a company delivered label. It implies the certification of other recognized certification like bluesign or GOTS. In that matter, this label has to comply with those standards, but they are not themselves publicly regulated. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: this a company awarded label. It’s not regulated and doesn’t use regulated standards to be awarded. It’s not publicly recognized and its apposition fails transparency. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare this is company awarded label. It implies that the product should be taken care of according to certain care standards fixed by the company and doesn’t use any environmental or social standards to be awarded. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
Does this label mean that the product is hazard free?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): No, this label means that the brand has engaged in supporting more sustainable cotton production. It does not mean that the product, in itself contains any kind of hazard free materials. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Blue sign: Yes but. This label respects high standards regarding health, the product assures the absence of hazardous chemicals in the product but also the health conditions of the workers. The organization determines which chemicals in regard of international standards should be excluded from the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: Yes. This label respects high standards health, the product assures the absence of hazardous chemicals in the product but also the health conditions of the workers. It also provides related to pesticides that the cotton used is organic. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: No. This label assures that the cotton fabric comes from sustainably managed farms, which is first uncertain whether this automatically means organic or hazard free fields. Furthermore, it doesn’t guarantee that the rest of the life-cycle is being realized hazard free. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: Yes. This label means that the product has throughout its life-cycle respected the product is free of chemicals but also that the brand has respected international safety & health standards for its workers. Furthermore, this label implies that the textiles used come from organic agriculture. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/coop-naturaline-switzerland
eco-Institute: No but. This label certifies that the means of production respected high standards in emissions and pollutions, so probably using less chemicals. But it does not guarantee in itself, that the end product is chemical free or that the working conditions were safe and healthy. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: Yes. This label guarantees that the production has met very high health standards, by excluding the use of chemicals in the production an d end product, as well as guaranteeing the use of organic fiber. Also the label respects basic health and safety standards for workers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): Yes. This label means that the product has been made according to high health standards with organic fibers and chemical free treatments. The label also guarantees healthy and safe working conditions. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: Yes. By using this label, the product is guaranteed to have not been treated with certain chemicals but also that healthy work conditions were respected. It also promotes the use of organic fibers. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: Yes. This label guarantees that the final product is free of allergenic and irritant substances and the means of production haven’t used hazardous chemicals. It also guarantees that the product has been made respecting the health and safety of the workforce. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: Yes. This label guarantees that the product is free of hazardous chemicals according to very technical and high standards and in all pieces of the product. This label also guarantees the respect of international health and safety standards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: Yes but. This label means that the product has been made according to high health standards, especially chemical free treatments. The label also guarantees healthy and safe working conditions. This label lacks the guarantee of organic fabric being used to be totally hazard free in the whole life-cycle. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): It depends. This label means that for some the product respects certain other standards of other labels such as GOTS but not for all of the aspects. There is also no information nor on the health conditions of workers, neither on the organic quality of the fabric. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: No. This label is brand delivered and in that matter there’s no guarantee of the respect of environmental or health standards related to the product. On the other hand, some use organic fibers which are better for the environment and health but is not sufficient to say that the product is hazard free. Moreover, there’s not information on the conditions of the workers and their one exposition to hazards. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Clevercare: No. This label only indicates the respect of certain care instructions of the product. It does not guarantee that the product is hazard free or been made under safe & healthy manufacturing conditions. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
How effective is this label for sustainable development?
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) : Low sustainability. This label only means that the brand has joined the initiative to encourage the production of more sustainable cotton production. It does not imply that the product is made of this sustainable cotton, so it’s only a first step in the sustainable development. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Blue sign: High sustainability. this label is delivered upon the conformity of a product with standards of sustainability such as resource productivity or health and safety of the workforce. It also takes into consideration the use of toxic chemicals in the product, as well as water and waste management. This label aims to guarantee a safe final product for the consumer. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.bluesign.com/en
Blue Angel: High sustainability. This label applied on products means that the producer answered to environmental as well as social criteria in its manufacturing process. By respecting international labor standards as well as environmental one’s such as the use of organic fiber or the avoidance of certain hazardous chemicals, this label guarantees the sustainability of the end product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://produktinfo.blauer-engel.de/uploads/attachment/en/BE_Factsheet_Textilien_ENG_2021-02-11_WEB.pdf
BMP Certified Cotton: Low sustainability. This label means that the product uses cotton coming from Australian sustainable managed farms. Only the cotton in the product is sustainable, not the other aspects of it such as posterior use of chemicals to treat the fabric or the recycling. The effectiveness on sustainability is fairly poor. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and mybmp.com.au/What_is_different.aspx
Coop Naturaline Switzerland: Good sustainability. This label indicates that the product is made from organic fabric controlled by Swiss and European Standards and also that the product through its manufacturing chain respects high polluting standards. Moreover, the company using this label needs to comply with international labor law such as the one’s from the international Labor Organization or the SA 8000 standard. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/coop-naturaline-switzerland
eco-Institute: Medium sustainability. This label certifies that the product has throughout its manufacturing process respected high standards of pollution and emissions. These environmental considerations lack waste management issues or social standards to be fully sustainable. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.eco-institut.de/en/dienstleistungen/certification/
EU Ecolabel: Good sustainability. This certification of excellence takes into consideration high level environmental standards whether the product is made of natural or synthetic fiber. The standards are the one’s regarding the use of hazardous chemicals in the production, the recycling but also the packaging and communication to consumers. On the other hand, this label only takes into consideration to few social standards( SA 8000) in order to be fully sustainable. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/the-ecolabel-scheme.html
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): high sustainability. This label certifies that the textile used in the product meet high environmental standards such as organic fiber and nonuse of hazardous chemicals. It also considers the respect of high social standards. All these criteria’s are enforced by independent control of their respect. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard
Green Shape: High sustainability. This label is delivered by the brand Vaude when the product complies with environmentally friendly standards and takes into consideration social standards throughout the supply chain.in order to determine the respect of these standards this label uses the respect of other label standards such as bluesign or GOTS. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://csr-report.vaude.com/gri-en/product/greenshape-concept.php
Migros Eco: Good sustainability. This label is issued upon verifying if the product respects environmental standards throughout its life-cycle, that the product is traceable and the methods used transparent and finally the working condition are safe and healthy. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabel/migros-eco
Naturtextil Best: High sustainability. This label means that throughout the supply chain the product has respected very high and technical environmental standards, that the products meet certain quality standards and also social standards from the International Labor organization and living wages are met. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://naturtextil.de/en/ivn-quality-seals/about-naturtextil-ivn-zertifiziert-best/
Oeko-Text Standard 100 plus: Good sustainability. This label takes into account environmental standards in the avoidance of forbidden but also threatening chemicals. The label also requires the respect of social standards. On the other hand, the label fails to be fully sustainable the means of sustainable production of the fabric: organic, recycled, etc… For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ and https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/our-standards/standard-100-by-oeko-tex
ZARA Join Life (Care for Fiber, Care for Water, Care for Planet): Medium sustainability. This label takes into account the certification by preexisting label such as GOTS. To be more sustainable there should better consumer information on the meaning of the brand label. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/
H&M Conscious: Low sustainability. This label only certifies that the brand has engaged in supporting the respect of sustainable development issues such as taking part on the Better Cotton Initiative. It does not give any more objective guarantees on the sustainability of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/ H&M Clevercare: Lack of sustainability. this label only indicates the respect of certain care instructions of the product. It does not guarantee any sustainability of the product. For more information: https://hej-support.org/new-report-sustainable-fashion-how-companies-provide-sustainability-information-to-consumers/